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ApiX-Drive is a connector for data exchange between various systems and services, eliminating the need for programmers or developers.

Founded in 2019 in the USA, it quickly gained popularity due to its ease of use and extensive range of integrations.

The service is designed to meet the needs of both small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large corporations that aim to enhance data handling efficiency.


Service features


ApiX-Drive offers numerous features to facilitate integration and data exchange. Let’s focus on the most key aspects in this overview of ApiX-Drive:


Advanced integrations

With ApiX-Drive, access to over 130 integrations with online services becomes possible, including Facebook, Prom, Rozetka, OpenCart, Tilda, InSales, GINIX, Google Sheets, and others.

This enables easy and flexible data exchange settings without the need for complex scripting or programming.


Flexible pricing plans

ApiX-Drive offers various pricing plans, including a free tier and several paid options with different levels of functionality and support.

Users can choose the appropriate plan depending on their needs and company budget.


Security and reliability

The service guarantees a high level of data security, using the HTTPS protocol for all exchanges and not collecting users’ personal information.

This ensures the confidentiality and reliability of the data transferred.


Service benefits


Ease of use

ApiX-Drive is designed with a focus on ease of use. Users can easily set up and manage data exchange processes without the need for deep technical knowledge.


Wide range of integrations

With over 130 integrations, the service provides flexibility and the ability to integrate with various platforms and services, simplifying the data exchange process.


Flexible pricing plans

Users can choose a pricing plan that best fits their needs and company budget, starting from a free plan with limited functionality to advanced paid plans on the ApiX-Drive website.


Data security

ApiX-Drive ensures a high level of user data security, allowing the confidential information to be transmitted with confidence in its protection.


Reliability and support

The ApiX-Drive service guarantees stable operation and prompt support, ensuring business process continuity and confidence in the service’s reliability.


ApiX-Drive represents a tool for automating data exchange between different systems and services. Thanks to its features and advantages, it provides efficiency, reliability, and comfort in operation for companies of all sizes.


What users often scold about ApiX-Drive


Functionality limitations

Users often express disappointment due to the absence of certain features, such as the ability to grant guest access to employees. This creates limitations in using the service in certain operational scenarios.

For instance, one user noted: “No ability to grant guest access to employees.” This limitation can be problematic for organizations that need to provide temporary access to files or data.


Lack of mobile device adaptation

Some users complain about the inconvenience of using the personal account on mobile devices. This limits the service’s accessibility and creates inconveniences when working on the go.

As one user puts it: “The personal account is not very adapted to mobile devices, on PC – everything is fine.”

Insufficient mobile device adaptation can negatively impact the service experience in today’s mobile world.


Limited integrations

Some users express disappointment over the lack of integration with certain platforms, such as LinkedIn. This can limit opportunities for collaborative work and data exchange with other platforms.

For example, one user points out: “No integration with LinkedIn. When do you plan to launch?” A limited list of integrations can hinder the effective use of the service in various business areas.


What users often praise about ApiX-Drive


Ease of use and interface

Users often highly rate the ease of use and intuitive interface of the service. They note the simplicity of setting up integrations and the ease of using the web interface.

For example, one user states: “Easy, understandable.” The ease of use and intuitive interface make working with the service pleasant and efficient.



Several reviews highlight the excellent performance of the service without failures and problems. This provides users with confidence in the service’s reliability and ensures the safety and stability of data handling.

For example, one user notes: “No failures.” The reliability of the service is an important factor for user satisfaction and ensures comfortable use without concerns about data loss or access problems.


Effective support

Several reviews rate the quality and promptness of support service highly. Users mention quick responses to inquiries and the competence of support staff.

For example, one user states: “Support responds quickly and solves problems, advises on setup.” Effective support provides users with confidence in resolving any issues that arise and enhances their satisfaction with the service.


Wide range of integrations

Users highly appreciate the presence of numerous integrations with other services and platforms. This provides flexibility and the ability to collaborate with various tools without needing to switch between applications.

As one user mentions: “Many integrations (400 in total).” The wide choice of integrations makes the service versatile and adaptable to various business needs.


Quick start and setup

Some users note the ability to quickly start and set up the service without needing to involve specialists. This simplifies the implementation process and allows users to begin using the service quickly.

For example, one user notes: “Quick start, availability of a free plan.” Quick start and setup help users save time and resources when working with the service.


Percentage of reviews


Based on the provided reviews, positive reviews of the service prevail over the negative ones. About 70% of reviews contain positive evaluations of the service, while 30% express negative opinions or dissatisfaction with its operation.

This indicates that most users are satisfied with using the service, despite some noted drawbacks.

Positive aspects, such as ease of use, reliability, and effective support, are balanced by negative elements, such as functionality limitations and unsuccessful integrations.

However, overall, the positive aspects significantly contribute to the service experience and create user satisfaction.

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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