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Avocode is an online service designed to facilitate collaboration between designers and web developers. It aims to simplify the process of translating design layouts created in Photoshop or Sketch into specifications with separate images and CSS styles. This tool connects designers and developers to collaboratively produce high-quality web projects.


Service features


Layout guides

Avocode supports guides created in Photoshop or Sketch, which simplifies the alignment and orientation of layout elements. This feature makes the web development process easier and ensures precise positioning of elements on the page.


Specification creation

The service automatically generates design specifications that include details about layout, colors, fonts, styles, and sizes. This comprehensive reporting significantly saves developers’ time and reduces the risk of errors when converting layouts into code.


Change history

Avocode keeps a record of changes, allowing users to track and revert to previous design versions. This is crucial for team collaboration and provides more flexible project management.


Code generation

The service offers the capability to automatically generate code from design layouts for various platforms, including HTML, CSS, iOS, and Android. This feature significantly speeds up the development process and ensures consistency between design and code.


Collaboration and commenting

Avocode facilitates effective team interaction by allowing members to comment on layouts, share opinions, and monitor changes in real-time, thus enhancing productivity and work quality.


Service benefits


Format versatility

Avocode supports numerous design formats, including PSD, Sketch, XD, and Figma, offering flexibility in operation and compatibility with various design tools.


Innovative technology

The service has developed its own technology for rendering layouts, ensuring high-quality and fast design previews. This approach guarantees efficient operation and user-friendly experience.


Ease of use

With a user-friendly and intuitive interface, Avocode is easy to use, even for beginners, allowing them to quickly learn the tool and integrate it into their daily tasks.


Guaranteed security

Avocode ensures the secure storage and exchange of design data by using HTTPS protocol for information transfer, guaranteeing user data confidentiality and protection.


Integration support

The service integrates with popular tools like Slack, facilitating seamless team interaction and improving the collaborative process.

Avocode is not just a tool for web development but also a reliable partner for designers and developers. With its functionalities, teams can efficiently collaborate, accelerating the creation and implementation of web projects. The ability to create specifications, generate code, and work collaboratively makes Avocode an essential tool for successful web development.


What users often scold about Avocode


Authentication and payment issues

Users express dissatisfaction with difficulties in authentication and payment processes. They note unclear authentication procedures and issues when attempting to subscribe, with some users perceiving the company as being greedy by making the payment process inconvenient and confusing.

“They’ve complicated the authentication and payment process. Greed.”


Installation and usage problems

Users express dissatisfaction with difficulties in installing and using the trial version. Despite following instructions, they encounter issues and fail to use the service effectively. Some users also complain about the lack of clear information regarding payment.

“Tried to install the trial version. At first, everything was as per the instructions. Then I clicked on everything clickable. Zero result.”


What users often praise about Avocode


Ability to import files without photoshop

Users positively note the ability to import files without needing to install Photoshop, finding it convenient and simplifying their work with the service.

“Unlike Zeplin, you can import files without having Photoshop installed — just upload the PSD and it’s ready.”


Convenience for non-photoshop users

Users appreciate the convenience of the service for those who prefer not to install Photoshop, noting that it helps them work more efficiently.

“Really helps those who don’t want to install Photoshop at all.”


Percentage of reviews


Approximately 40% of the reviews are negative, while 60% are positive.

Users mainly express dissatisfaction with authentication, payment, and usage issues, but they appreciate the convenience of working without Photoshop and the ease of use for those who do not use this graphic editor.

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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