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Reviews for event networking and matchmaking services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

I can’t trust that my message will be received and reviewed. Many i spoke to also struggled with the app and I also feel that not everyone knows about it.

Which is alarming for us who are trying to connect with investors.

Real review to a real event networking and matchmaking service

Unfortunately, we did not have a great experience using H– for our event last week. The problems were predominantly due to platform feature limitations and promised vs actual functionality.

We signed up to the (not inexpensive) G– plan for our event but found that many of the features we needed were only accessible to business customers and there was no sum we could pay on a monthly basis in order to access them.

The first ‘missing’ features we identified were magic links for speakers and two-way sync for registrations with H–.

Many more issues then arose. The ticket registration system essentially amounts to a 3-step authentication system that led many attendees (100 in total) to drop off mid-way through sign-up.

Attempting to integrate H– and H– was almost futile. We could not set up webhooks to automate the registration process, nor could we set up a two-way sync for registrations.

This meant asking attendees to sign up twice.

H– advertised UTM links that would enable us to track the source of sign-ups. In reality, this feature was not ready and we have no idea where our attendees found the event sign-up page.

The customer support team were slow in responding, and the first agent could rarely help at all and seemed to simply be a triage stage.

Finally, the reporting available with the G– plan is very basic – the main thing we expected but did not get being data on which attendees joined which sessions throughout the event.

Real review to a real event networking and matchmaking service

the audience segmentation feature could be more complex to allow for more personalization of different features of the app

when I initiate the test i have to login every single time

content organization of configuring the home page doesn’t make sense

Real review to a real event networking and matchmaking service

We needed a couple different pieces that I believe Z– is working on but were not ready for us in time. The rooms feature, which we were hoping worked much like a Z– breakout room, did not provide the privacy we wanted for connection time with our conference attendees.

The ability for people to see room numbers, sizes and participants would work great for networking or a breakout session located in R– 1, for example, but we wanted a different experience.

They do have a private rooms feature, where you can assign participants and it will show you there are 6 guests in the room, but it still allows people to enter that room, vs. having an assigned ticket and an assigned room.

We also needed more access on the backend of the platform, which while it works, is not completely user intuitive, even for an experienced techie.

While creating and designing the event, we often were going back to our customer support team and asking if something could be changed, that we as tech organizers could not change.

The last pieces that we had trouble with were the streaming speed and quality and data management. Our organization had specific streaming needs and Z–‘s weren’t high enough for us.

Our team and their team made exceptions for it to work, but this is an update we highly recommend. The data management on the back end for attendees is also a work in progress.

Once someone is added as an attendee, the ability to change a first name, last name or email, is limited. While an organizer can change a ticket type or an access type, they cannot change the data.

Real review to a real event networking and matchmaking service

The end result is lovely, but setting up events is a huge pain. It is not intuitive and there are so many steps.

If you want to make changes, there are multiple places where the change needs to be reflected. It would be nice if there was a way to start and stop recordings without having it tied to the event/schedule date and time.

Real review to a real event networking and matchmaking service


In the intricate world of event networking and matchmaking services, where connections are currency and relationships are paramount, avoiding common pitfalls is essential for success.

By analyzing customer feedback and delving into the intricacies of user experiences, we can unearth the top mistakes made by owners of event networking and matchmaking services and offer actionable solutions to transcend them.


Inefficient matching algorithms


What competitors get wrong: One of the most frequent complaints among users is the inefficacy of matching algorithms employed by event networking and matchmaking services. Competitors often rely on simplistic algorithms that fail to deliver meaningful connections, leaving users dissatisfied with the quality of matches.


How to do it better: Implement advanced matching algorithms powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze user preferences and behavior patterns. Offer customizable matchmaking criteria to allow users to specify their preferences and priorities.

Provide real-time feedback mechanisms to fine-tune matching algorithms based on user interactions and outcomes. By delivering highly relevant and personalized matches, you can outperform competitors and enhance user satisfaction.


Limited networking opportunities


What competitors get wrong: Another common frustration expressed by users is the lack of diverse networking opportunities offered by event networking and matchmaking services.

Competitors often focus solely on traditional networking formats, such as one-on-one meetings or networking events, neglecting alternative avenues for engagement.


How to do it better: Expand networking opportunities by incorporating innovative formats such as virtual roundtables, group discussions, and collaborative activities. Leverage interactive tools and features to facilitate spontaneous connections and serendipitous encounters.

Integrate social networking functionalities to foster ongoing engagement and relationship-building beyond the confines of formal events. By embracing diverse networking formats, you can enrich the user experience and differentiate your service from competitors.


Inadequate profile optimization tools


What competitors get wrong: Profile optimization is critical for facilitating meaningful connections in event networking and matchmaking services. However, some competitors fall short in providing robust profile optimization tools, leading to incomplete or inaccurate user profiles that hinder effective matchmaking.


How to do it better: Empower users with comprehensive profile optimization tools, including customizable templates, prompts, and tips to enhance profile visibility and attractiveness. Offer guidance on crafting compelling bios, uploading professional photos, and highlighting key skills and interests.

Implement AI-driven profile analysis to provide personalized recommendations for profile optimization based on user data and behavior. By empowering users to create compelling profiles, you can enhance the matchmaking experience and drive greater engagement.


Lack of post-event engagement


What competitors get wrong: Effective networking extends beyond the confines of event venues, encompassing ongoing engagement and relationship-building activities. However, some competitors neglect post-event engagement opportunities, leaving users disconnected and isolated after the event concludes.


How to do it better: Foster post-event engagement by offering follow-up tools and features to facilitate ongoing communication and collaboration among participants. Provide post-event analytics and insights to help users track the impact of their networking efforts and identify potential opportunities for further engagement.

Implement community-building initiatives such as discussion forums, interest groups, and mentorship programs to sustain momentum and foster long-term relationships. By prioritizing post-event engagement, you can create a vibrant and active networking community that sets your service apart from competitors.


Insufficient event personalization options


What competitors get wrong: Personalization is key to delivering a tailored and immersive event experience for participants. However, some competitors overlook the importance of event personalization, offering generic and cookie-cutter event formats that fail to resonate with diverse user preferences and objectives.


How to do it better: Offer robust event personalization options, allowing organizers to customize event agendas, content tracks, and networking opportunities to suit the unique needs and interests of participants.

Provide dynamic scheduling tools and matchmaking filters to help attendees curate their event experience based on their specific goals and preferences.

Leverage attendee feedback and engagement data to continually refine and optimize event personalization features. By empowering organizers to create personalized events, you can enhance participant satisfaction and loyalty.




The journey to success in the event networking and matchmaking services industry is rife with challenges and opportunities. By learning from the mistakes of competitors and adopting proactive strategies, owners can navigate past common pitfalls and elevate their services to new heights of excellence.

Through relentless dedication to matching algorithms, networking opportunities, profile optimization, post-event engagement, and event personalization, you can carve a distinct niche in the market and emerge as a leader in the realm of event networking and matchmaking services.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Ah, the captivating odyssey through the mystical world of event networking and matchmaking services! How utterly enchanting!

Prepare yourselves for a journey fraught with challenges and opportunities, because who doesn’t enjoy a bit of masochism, right?

Learning from the mistakes of competitors? Oh, absolutely!

Because why bother with originality when you can just piggyback on the blunders of others? Innovation at its finest!

And let’s not forget those proactive strategies.

Because who needs spontaneity when you can meticulously plan every move like a paranoid chess grandmaster? Fun?

Ha! Overrated!

Elevating your services to new heights of excellence sounds positively exhilarating! I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend their days navigating through a minefield of common pitfalls, all in the pursuit of mediocrity?

Relentless dedication to matching algorithms, networking opportunities, profile optimization, post-event engagement, and event personalization? Ah, yes, the holy grail of buzzwords.

Because clearly, success hinges on your ability to sprinkle a dash of techno-jargon on everything you do.

And carving a distinct niche in the market? Oh, what an adventure! Because nothing says “breakthrough success” like elbowing your way into an overcrowded industry with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

So go ahead, my intrepid friend, dive headfirst into the abyss of the event networking and matchmaking services industry.

Who knows, maybe you’ll emerge as a leader, or maybe you’ll just end up with a migraine the size of Jupiter. Either way, it’s sure to be a ahem memorable experience!




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Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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