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Reviews for fitness club

To successfully develop a fitness club, it is important to know the clients’ opinions about the services provided. Visitor reviews not only help improve the quality of service but also serve as an excellent tool for attracting new clients.

Collecting feedback from visitors is a key aspect of managing a fitness club. Below are effective ways to collect reviews, adapted to the specifics of the fitness industry.


How to get reviews for fitness club


Feedback form on the fitness club’s website

Create a section on your website where visitors can easily leave their reviews and suggestions. Ensure that the feedback form is visible and accessible from any page of the site.

It is recommended to include questions not only about the quality of service but also about specific aspects such as the cleanliness of the facilities, the quality of the equipment, the professionalism of the trainers, and the level of additional services (for example, a drink bar, relaxation area).


Electronic surveys via email campaigns

Regularly send electronic surveys to clients where they can rate their last visit to the club and suggest improvements. To increase the likelihood of a response, offer incentives for completing surveys, such as discounts on memberships or free training sessions.


QR codes in relaxation areas and at the exit

Place QR codes that lead to the feedback form in lounge areas and at the exit of the club. Visitors can immediately share their impressions after their workout while the experience is still fresh in their memory.

Place a brief instruction next to the QR codes and mention a possible benefit for leaving a review.


Interactive terminals for reviews

Install special terminals or tablets in your fitness club where clients can leave their reviews on-site, which is especially convenient for those who prefer not to use their personal devices for such purposes. The terminals can be equipped with simple surveys where clients can rate various aspects of the club on a scale or choose from provided response options.


Personal approach by trainers and administrators

Encourage your staff to request reviews directly from clients during interactions. This can be as informal as asking them to rate a recent workout or suggesting they leave a more detailed review about the quality of services.

It is important that employees are trained to do this tactfully, without pressuring the visitor.


Social media

Actively use your fitness club’s social media pages to collect reviews. Regularly post requests for reviews, as well as provide a direct link to the feedback form.

Engage your followers in a dialogue by asking about their training preferences, convenience of schedules, etc. This way, you not only increase the quantitative level of feedback but also strengthen your relationships with clients.


Events with feedback collection

Organize special events for clients, such as open house days, nutrition seminars, or master classes from renowned trainers, during which you can collect reviews from participants. This approach not only attracts attention to your club but also provides an excellent opportunity for obtaining instant feedback from a large audience.

By applying these methods, you will be able to not only collect valuable feedback from your fitness club visitors but also demonstrate care about their opinions and a desire to improve the quality of services.


Examples of fitness club reviews


Below are real reviews from real clients (company names not mentioned).


My favorite place! A place of power!

A place that motivates hard work! Nice people, excellent equipment!

The smell…not of unwashed clothes, but a fragrance! I’m ready to spend every day here… hammam, pool…LOVE IT!

And Eljay trains here too))


Yes, the club is cool, pool, saunas, all corresponding to the cost of the membership, but I am really annoyed by the booking for group yoga and pilates classes.

I just can’t get in sometimes, the reception told me it’s because of the coronavirus, but sorry, the room does not “fit” more than 20 people anyway, why not introduce additional classes, better cancel the unclear unpopular groups.

Honestly, if I had known about such problems, I wouldn’t have bought the membership. And having to set an alarm on my phone every time to be able to register as soon as it opens exactly 24 hours in advance is annoying.

For a club of this level, this is unacceptable.

Otherwise, everything is good so far (since everything is new), even the gold diggers (they are always visible by their makeup and hairstyles with loose hair in the pool and sauna areas) have decreased, normal people are coming)))


Yandex asks to add a review, with pleasure.

I visited before. Specifically, the lighting was not satisfying – it’s like being in a basement. Spotlights are blinding when doing exercises on the machines.

Too much arrogance.

When my membership ended, the sales department manager called and asked:


I think they earned a star for such interaction. Not suitable for premium class.

Good luck.


Pretentious, pointless, unjustifiably expensive. Especially annoyed by the trainer in glasses, always strutting around in short shorts…

maybe some like it, but for me, it’s too much, male trainers should still wear either pants or knee-length shorts. I’m not a prude 🙂


The club is new and could match the middle class, but not premium. Trainers are just local gym teachers, staff changes often.

Administrators seem out of it, they can leave their workstation and go smoke, eat, or change clothes, all your personal data remains unattended, take it and leave, as the security guard also roams freely, they just pay him to come and sit on a chair.

Clients are mostly very strange “piggies” who might sit, steam in the hammam, and then jump into the pool without washing and without a cap… then into the jacuzzi.

Why wash, I am “at home”, let everyone swim in my hair, epidermis…. Apparently, their mothers didn’t teach them from childhood that you don’t behave like that in a public pool and don’t defecate where you relax.


Get more reviews


Automatically publish reviews about your business on GINIX – get support for your business, thanks to positive reviews, and create an impressive online reputation.

This is a universal solution for obtaining online opinions. Get reviews for fitness club – allow your business to quickly respond to client feedback.

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If you don’t know when a bad review appears on the Internet, you won’t be able to respond to it. If you consolidate all reviews and receive alerts when a new review appears, you can decide if intervention is needed. It’s also very nice to thank for good reviews.

You can easily set up when and how to receive alerts. And ways to receive reviews from visitors.

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Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
6 min