Main » Industry » Reviews for media and influencer targeting software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for media and influencer targeting software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

This is an incredibly expensive platform, and it is simply not worth the price. We were a user throughout 2023.

However, we had some big strategic shifts happen in Q– 2023. They locked our company into a contract for the entirety of the 2024 year when we tried to cancel months before the subscription was even set to renew.

This has cut our marketing budget off at the knees, which is hugely negatively impacting our marketing function for the 2024 year. This goes to show they do not care about the success of their clients, they simply care about their bottom line.

Real review to a real media and influencer targeting software service

– Doing any type of analysis requires creating a new search and a new coverage report, which is massively redundant and wastes so much time.

– Support is close to non existant. They are responsive, but it’s always with another how-to video.

No human will help you when you’re in a jam. Every time I’ve had a call with the team, I’ve left without a solution.

– I’ve never seen searches that pull in coverage no one would ever count and then make it impossible to filter it out.

Real review to a real media and influencer targeting software service

So many on the queries are either anonymous or come from publications that aren’t particularly relevant to the audience I’m looking to target

Real review to a real media and influencer targeting software service

Requires long-term contracts (12 mo) AND a 90 day cancellation period. So if you don’t remember within month 9, and why would you, to cancel then you get renewed for another 12 months.

30 Day cancellation sure but 90 days on 12 months felt like it was so that customers don’t realize in time to avoid a second year. We don’t have a regular use for the platform but it doesn’t provide for month to month billing and so we end up paying for something that is now not used.

We’ll make a second effort to utilize in 2023 since we’re paying for it but would rather pay for it on a month to month or even quarterly basis as it fits our outreach needs.

Real review to a real media and influencer targeting software service

Collecting collaborator feedback is based on notes, instead of a Yes/No approval. Also, the process of managing entire campaigns is very difficult to grasp.

We’ve done the walkthrus but have yet to use these features due to the overwhelming nature of the process. Reels feedback isn’t available, and signing in as a team is very difficult when verification codes need to be put in EVERY single time someone logs in, even though the codes are sent to another person.

Real review to a real media and influencer targeting software service


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, media and influencer targeting software is indispensable for brands looking to enhance their outreach and engagement strategies. However, as essential as these tools are, customer reviews often reveal significant room for improvement.

By examining the common pitfalls in existing software solutions, this article outlines strategic recommendations to help you develop a superior media and influencer targeting platform.


Inaccurate influencer data


What competitors get wrong: A prevalent issue with competitor software is the accuracy and freshness of the influencer data provided. Customers frequently report that data on influencer reach, demographics, and engagement rates are outdated or incorrect, leading to ineffective campaign planning and execution.


How to do it better: To set your software apart, invest heavily in real-time data scraping technologies and build partnerships with data providers to ensure your database is up-to-date and accurate. Implementing AI-driven analytics to continuously monitor and update influencer profiles based on recent activity can also enhance data reliability.


Limited search and filter options


What competitors get wrong: Users often criticize competitor platforms for their limited search capabilities and filtering options, which can make the process of finding the right influencers tedious and time-consuming.


How to do it better: Enhance your platform’s search functionality by incorporating advanced filtering options that allow users to refine influencers based on highly specific criteria such as niche, engagement rates, audience demographics, past collaborations, and even the sentiment of content.

Intuitive and powerful search tools will significantly improve user satisfaction and efficiency.


Poor integration with other marketing tools


What competitors get wrong: A common complaint among users is the lack of integration between influencer targeting software and other marketing tools, such as CRM systems, content management platforms, and analytics tools, which leads to disjointed marketing efforts.


How to do it better: Develop robust API integrations to connect seamlessly with a wide range of marketing tools. Providing a unified platform that can synchronize campaigns across various channels will offer a comprehensive solution, making your software more attractive to potential users.


Complex user interface


What competitors get wrong: Complexity in the user interface is a significant barrier to adoption. Customers report that many platforms are not user-friendly, featuring cluttered dashboards and confusing navigation paths that steepen the learning curve.


How to do it better: Focus on user experience by designing a clean, intuitive interface. Streamline the navigation and ensure that key functionalities are easily accessible.

Regularly gathering user feedback and conducting usability testing can guide iterative improvements, making the platform more approachable for all user skill levels.


Inadequate reporting and analytics


What competitors get wrong: Effective influencer campaigns depend on robust analytics to measure success. However, users often find that the analytics provided by existing platforms are too basic or not insightful enough to guide strategic decisions.


How to do it better: Equip your software with comprehensive analytics features that can track a wide range of performance metrics, such as campaign ROI, influencer engagement rates, and audience growth. Offer customizable reporting tools that allow users to generate insights based on their specific goals and metrics.


Limited customer support


What competitors get wrong: Users often express frustration with the level of customer support offered by existing platforms. Inadequate support can hinder the effective use of the software, particularly when dealing with complex campaigns or technical issues.


How to do it better: Build a reputation for excellent customer service by providing extensive support through multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone. Consider offering dedicated account managers for enterprise-level clients and developing a comprehensive knowledge base that users can access to quickly resolve common issues.




By addressing these common issues highlighted in competitor media and influencer targeting software, your product can stand out in the crowded marketplace. Focus on providing accurate and fresh data, advanced search capabilities, seamless integration, a user-friendly interface, detailed analytics, and superior customer support.

These enhancements will not only meet but exceed the expectations of your clients, establishing your software as a leader in the industry.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Oh, what an epiphany! Addressing problems to make your software stand out?

I bet nobody else thought of that. It’s like you’re actually trying to improve things instead of just sticking a new label on last year’s model and calling it revolutionary!

Providing accurate and fresh data? Now that’s just wild. Who knew that in the realm of media and influencer targeting, people actually preferred up-to-date and correct information?

I guess the days of making decisions based on outdated or wrong data are over—what a pity, that was such a fun gamble!

Advanced search capabilities? Look at you, going all out! Because it’s totally outrageous to think someone would want to find exactly what they’re looking for without having to sift through a digital haystack.

Next, you’ll tell me that people use the internet to save time!

Seamless integration? Oh, the luxury!

Making your software work smoothly with other tools—what will they think of next? Surely not software that behaves like a well-mannered guest at a dinner party instead of like a bull in a china shop.

A user-friendly interface? Revolutionary!

It’s almost like you expect the user to actually enjoy their experience rather than feeling like they’re trying to solve a Rubik’s cube while blindfolded.

Detailed analytics? Because apparently, knowing exactly how campaigns are performing could actually be helpful.

Mind-blowing! Here I thought all marketers were clairvoyant and could just intuit the depth of their analytics from the ether.

And superior customer support? Stop it.

You mean to tell me you’ll actually help your customers when they have problems? That’s just taking things too far.

Customers might get used to being treated well and start expecting it all the time!

With these ludicrously sensible improvements, how can your software not become a leader in the industry? Watch out world, here comes a product that might actually do what it promises!

Brace yourselves, competitors, this could be the start of something reasonable!




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Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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