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Reviews for SMS marketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

“our account currently has 1 unregistered number. Messages sent from this number will be blocked by the wireless carriers until it’s registered.” never could get resolved.

We don’t have a website.

Real review to a real SMS marketing software service

This company started out awesome, however over the Years and especially recently they have gone downhill fast.

They are forcing those with purchased credits to either use them up in a month, or go with a monthly plan to keep them, otherwise they expire.

Their support didn’t seem to care when asked about this.

Good luck growing with destroying Your existing client base 👍

Real review to a real SMS marketing software service

We use T–R– every day. We receive a lot of texts every day.

Every single one of those texts in every conversation goes to every user’s app. Our technicians are being inundated with notifications that don’t apply to them whatsoever.

Not only is it annoying, but it makes it very difficult to recognize when a message needs a certain person’s attention. Additionally, the type and number of features they offer are not nearly as good as their competitors.

Do not let the low price fool you. When considering this product, I was promised much more than what I’ve gotten.

Real review to a real SMS marketing software service

I hate how many times i have to relogin, and sometimes it doesn’t upload on my iphone. It also never shows me messages at the top when new messages come in.

The often times make me scroll down and look for them.

Real review to a real SMS marketing software service

There are so many steps when trying to do something that should be simple and time efficient. We came from Z– and it would have served T– well to design the program after their model.

I really wish there was a way to forward a text to another contact. Having to cut and paste is simply not practical.

Another thing is, when making scheduled messages to our clients, this creates a new window for the contact’s messages to appear once they answer the specific message.

This is not effecient, as we have on going conversations with our contacts and it usually leads to having to look around for certain messages, due to a new window appearing from creating new messages.

We do not receive a notification of any sort (sound or visual) to notify us that a message has been receieved. This is another quality of Z– that made a big difference when trying to get back to our clients.

The option of only having keywords to input a contact in our sytem also seems very irrelevant to us. The problem being, not everyone will fit into these keywords.

But we have to choose one anyway in order to successfully save a contact. The use of the keywords help sometimes, but not really.

When wanting to message someone, the message tab and the inbox tab brings confusion. It seems if we are not already in conversation with a contact, we cannot search for their names in the inbox (which seems logical).

But the steps to create a message to contact someone, seems too tedious and irrelevant. Referring back to Z–, the simple access in typing a name into their message system worked with more ease.

There is no access to an app. That is the biggest downfall as it would be easier to see texts and alerts if we had access to an app.

Real review to a real SMS marketing software service


In the competitive world of SMS Marketing Software services, understanding and addressing the common mistakes made by competitors can give us a significant edge.

By analyzing customer reviews, we’ve identified several recurring issues that need to be addressed to improve our services and outperform our competitors.

Here’s a detailed look at these frequent complaints and how we can avoid them to become the market leader.


Lack of advanced segmentation and targeting


What competitors get wrong: One of the most frequent complaints about SMS Marketing Software services is the lack of advanced segmentation and targeting options. Competitors often provide basic segmentation, which results in generic messages that fail to resonate with specific audience segments.


How to do it better: To surpass our competitors, we must offer sophisticated segmentation and targeting capabilities. Our software should allow users to segment their audience based on demographics, behavior, purchase history, and engagement levels.

Providing dynamic segmentation that automatically updates based on user actions can ensure messages remain relevant and timely. By offering these advanced features, we can help our clients achieve higher engagement rates and better ROI.


Inadequate analytics and reporting


What competitors get wrong: Many customers express frustration with the inadequate analytics and reporting capabilities of competitor software. Basic metrics often fail to provide deep insights into campaign performance, making it difficult to measure effectiveness and optimize future campaigns.


How to do it better: Our SMS Marketing Software should offer comprehensive analytics and reporting features. This includes real-time tracking of message delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Providing detailed reports on user engagement and campaign performance will help clients understand what works and what doesn’t. Integrating AI-driven analytics to predict trends and suggest improvements can further enhance the value of our service.


Poor user interface and experience


What competitors get wrong: Customers frequently complain about the complicated and non-intuitive interfaces of competitor SMS marketing tools. A steep learning curve and cumbersome navigation can hinder productivity and user satisfaction.


How to do it better: To differentiate ourselves, we must prioritize user-centric design. Our software should feature a clean, intuitive interface with easy-to-navigate menus and workflows.

Offering drag-and-drop functionality, clear instructions, and interactive tutorials can make the user experience seamless and enjoyable. Regularly collecting user feedback and making iterative improvements based on this input will ensure we meet and exceed user expectations.


High message delivery failure rates


What competitors get wrong: A common grievance is the high message delivery failure rates encountered with competitor services. Customers often find that their messages are not delivered reliably, leading to lost opportunities and diminished trust in the service.


How to do it better: To address this issue, we must invest in robust infrastructure and partnerships with reliable telecom providers to ensure high delivery rates. Implementing real-time monitoring and alert systems can help identify and resolve delivery issues promptly.

Providing detailed delivery reports and insights into failed messages will help clients understand and mitigate potential problems, ensuring their messages reach the intended audience.


Limited automation features


What competitors get wrong: Customers often find that competitor SMS marketing software lacks advanced automation features. This limitation forces them to manually manage campaigns, which is time-consuming and inefficient.


How to do it better: Our software should include advanced automation capabilities that allow users to set up automated workflows based on triggers such as user actions, time delays, and campaign responses.

Providing pre-built automation templates for common scenarios, such as welcome messages, abandoned cart reminders, and re-engagement campaigns, can save clients time and effort.

By offering robust automation features, we can help clients streamline their marketing efforts and improve overall efficiency.


High costs without clear value


What competitors get wrong: A recurring complaint is the high cost of competitor services without corresponding benefits or clear ROI. Customers often feel they are overpaying for features they do not use or need.


How to do it better: To avoid this pitfall, we must ensure our pricing structure is transparent and offers clear value. Providing tiered pricing plans that cater to different needs and budgets can attract a broader range of clients.

Clearly communicating the benefits and ROI of our services through case studies, testimonials, and detailed performance reports will help justify the costs.

Offering a free trial or a money-back guarantee can also build trust and encourage new customers to try our service.




By addressing these common mistakes made by competitors, we can position our SMS Marketing Software service as the leader in the industry. Focusing on advanced segmentation, comprehensive analytics, user-friendly design, reliable delivery, robust automation, and clear value will not only meet but exceed customer expectations.

Let’s leverage these insights to enhance our product offering, foster customer loyalty, and drive our business forward.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

By fixing the mind-bogglingly obvious mistakes our competitors keep making, we’ll magically elevate our SMS Marketing Software to the throne of industry leadership.

Because who could have possibly guessed that focusing on advanced segmentation, comprehensive analytics, user-friendly design, reliable delivery, robust automation, and clear value was the golden ticket?

Not only will we meet customer expectations—we’ll obliterate them entirely! Let’s exploit these “revolutionary” insights to supercharge our product, inspire cult-like customer loyalty, and rocket our business to unimaginable heights.

Clearly, the entire SMS marketing world has been waiting on tenterhooks for our unparalleled brilliance to finally save the day.




Don’t worry and turn to GINIX review management service. We will make reviews a reliable source of your business growth.

We’ll increase the number of reviews about your business on autopilot! You can order monitoring and analysis, handling of negative reviews, or the appearance of new reviews – either one or all together.

Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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