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Reviews for chatbots software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

I have clients that have left an important message and I can’t get to. The password reset emails are not coming through to my email address.

So I send drift a support request to send me a reset email manually and they closed the ticket without even looking at it saying it was a free account and free accounts don’t get support.

I don’t care what the software is resetting and getting into your account should be supported but you get what you pay for I guess.

Real review to a chatbots software service

Their pricing, sales and support is built up to scam you. They lock you in with 12 month contracts, not possible to cancel.

Then we didn’t need the plan we had and we just wanted to downgrade to the basic starter plan that they promote on their website, but Intercom sales told us, that to downgrade to S–, they would delete our account and all data and we need to create a new account. Like WTF???

They force you to include features even if you don’t need them, telling that it’s not possible without those, but in the invoice you have rows for those features. They told us that we don’t have to pay for users, only need to pay users that use certain specific features.

When the invoice arrived, they charged for all the users. And the list goes on and on…

Real review to a chatbots software service

We have been a Z– customer for 10 years however extremely poor communication regarding chages to subscription and service offerings and pricing changes along with abismil Customer Service themselves has caused me to seriously reconsider this platform as a viable option for us going forward.

I unfortunately cannot recommend this platform until their own Customer Service issues are addressed.

Real review to a chatbots software service

The platform is riddled with flaws and glitches! Despite warnings from others about its fundamental issues, I chose to overlook them. Many have already migrated to superior platforms.

Don’t attempt to go live until you’re fully prepared, as it will likely take months to resolve the myriad issues that keep cropping up. Continuously addressing one problem only leads to the emergence of another, and another, hindering any chance of a successful launch and potentially harming the customer experience.

Don’t be deceived by promises of functionality—they often fall short. Most features are stuck in Beta, rendering them practically unusable.

Moreover, their overall support from Account Managers is severely lacking, with preferential treatment given to larger clients. If you’re a small player, you’re in for a rough ride as their attention is primarily on big spenders.

It’s when you use it, you’ll realize you’ve fallen in a pit. You’re be better off choosing another platform.

Real review to a chatbots software service

App was extremely clunky, but worst is that they took our money and then we were blacklisted by carriers for selling firearms, even though we are a legit amend multimillion dollar business. Absolutely unprofessional and borderline unlawful

Real review to a chatbots software service


For businesses leveraging chatbots, the software service they choose can significantly impact their customer experience and operational efficiency.

This article breaks down the most common mistakes made by competitors in the chatbot software industry, based on extensive customer reviews, and offers specific strategies for how your chatbot service can capitalize on these weaknesses.


Inadequate natural language processing (NLP)


What competitors get wrong: A frequent issue cited in customer reviews of competing services is the poor understanding of user intent by chatbots. Many chatbots struggle with understanding nuances in language, leading to responses that don’t align with the customers’ questions or needs.


How to do it better: Invest in advanced NLP capabilities to ensure your chatbots can understand and process a wide variety of linguistic inputs. Implement machine learning models that learn from interactions and improve over time, ensuring higher accuracy in understanding user requests.

Showcasing superior language processing technology can differentiate your service from those with basic or ineffective systems.


Limited customization options


What competitors get wrong: Customers often report that chatbots from some competitors lack the ability to be customized to fit specific business needs or industries. This one-size-fits-all approach can lead to a mismatch between user expectations and chatbot responses.


How to do it better: Offer highly customizable chatbot solutions that can be tailored to specific industry requirements or customer service scenarios. Provide tools that allow clients to modify workflows, responses, and interaction styles.

Highlighting your platform’s flexibility will appeal to a broader range of businesses seeking a personalized touch.


Poor integration with existing systems


What competitors get wrong: Another significant drawback noted is the difficulty in integrating competitors’ chatbots with existing enterprise systems, such as CRM software, databases, or e-commerce platforms, which limits the utility and efficiency of the chatbot.


How to do it better: Develop robust APIs and integration tools that ensure your chatbots can seamlessly connect with a variety of business systems. Offer pre-built integrations for popular software platforms and provide a support team specialized in helping clients integrate these systems efficiently.

Effective integration is a key selling point that can greatly enhance user satisfaction.


Ineffective analytics and reporting


What competitors get wrong: Businesses using competitor chatbots often lament the lack of detailed analytics and reporting capabilities, which are crucial for understanding chatbot performance and customer interactions.


How to do it better: Equip your chatbot platform with comprehensive analytics tools that provide insights into chatbot interactions, user satisfaction, and areas for improvement. Make these tools intuitive and actionable, enabling businesses to easily derive valuable insights and adjust their strategies accordingly.

This feature will attract data-driven businesses focused on continuous improvement.


Subpar customer support


What competitors get wrong: Many reviews criticize the customer support provided by chatbot companies, mentioning slow response times and a lack of expertise in resolving technical issues.


How to do it better: Prioritize excellent customer support by offering multiple channels for assistance (e.g., live chat, phone, email) and ensuring your team is knowledgeable and responsive.

Providing superior customer service can build trust and foster long-term relationships with clients, setting your service apart from those with less responsive support structures.




Avoiding these common pitfalls can not only improve your chatbot service but also significantly elevate your competitive edge.

By focusing on sophisticated NLP, customization, seamless integration, powerful analytics, and exceptional customer support, your chatbot service can meet and exceed the evolving expectations of modern businesses.

Remember, your goal is to learn from the shortcomings of competitors and capitalize on these opportunities to deliver a superior chatbot experience that truly stands out in the market.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Ah, yes, the riveting world of chatbot services, where avoiding common pitfalls is the name of the game. Because who wants to innovate when you can just dodge a few bullets and call it a day?

So, here’s the master plan for skyrocketing your competitive edge: dive headfirst into the realm of sophisticated NLP, customization, integration so seamless it puts butter to shame, analytics so powerful they could probably predict the future, and customer support so exceptional it brings tears to the eyes.

Because nothing screams “cutting-edge” like following the well-trodden path of industry standards.

And let’s not forget the golden rule: learn from the mistakes of others. Because why bother stumbling into your own blunders when you can piggyback off someone else’s misfortunes?

It’s like free tuition in the school of hard knocks!

So, dear comrades, aim high and shoot for the stars by delivering a chatbot experience so superior it makes the competition look like amateurs.

Because in the grand spectacle of the market, standing out is the name of the game. Well, that and avoiding embarrassment, of course.




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Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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