Main » Industry » Reviews for event registration and ticketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

Reviews for event registration and ticketing software services and analysis of user reviews about your competitors

There are a lot of limitations to the free version that only became clear to me after having sent out my petition. This led to me feeling pressured into paying $35 for a once off petition for 30 signatures.

I am extremely frustrated as I am now looking at setting up my petition on another platform and will have to send it out again, which will be confusing and will damage the strength of my campaign.

The most frustrating limitation is that there are only 10 signatures allowed each month, after which they disable the document. In my opinion this renders it pointless to offer a “free” version if it doesn’t actually function in any workable way.

Real review to a real event registration and ticketing software service

No support for P–, venmo and other pay methods. Some people don’t like adding their credit card info to websites and this might turn potential customers away.

Real review to a real event registration and ticketing software service

The ad’s that pop up when people open the E– can be annoying and it sends the E– to people’s spam & junk. They don’t see our messages especially on their phones.

I love using E– but it’s time for them to listen to their customers and consider some serious upgrades in order for them to keep up with other free competitors.

E– should really consider these upgrades…option to disable the R–, single spacing & more font options for the host message box, the ability to upload better quality & larger pics and GIFs (it crops most of the pic out! why, why, why???) and be able have more customization options for the pic/GIF (such as combing more than 1 pic).

Please add more professional looking designs, these are cheesy. I always have to design my own and that option is limited even with the Premium account so why pay?…….

Please remove rid of the spam ads or put them at the very bottom so that guest can actual see the message!

Real review to a real event registration and ticketing software service

High fees and a dominant market presence feels almost like a monopoly.

Real review to a real event registration and ticketing software service

I can’t count the number of times our box office has frozen because of their slow server. We have consistent customer complaints about S– E–, timing out of sales, and slow speeds.

We also experience it on our end. There are also seem to be quite a few bugs in their system, like the system not releasing back for sale any tickets in abandoned shopping carts (resulting in lost sales for us).

The organization-side interface is clunky and confusing. We never feel like know exactly how to find something or change something.

Things are organized in a way that is less than intuitive.

Real review to a real event registration and ticketing software service


In the intricate world of event registration and ticketing software services, where seamless transactions and effortless experiences reign supreme, avoiding common pitfalls is paramount for triumph.

Through an in-depth analysis of customer feedback and a keen understanding of user experiences, we unveil the top mistakes made by owners of event registration and ticketing software services and offer actionable solutions to transcend them.


Complex registration processes


What competitors get wrong: One of the most recurring grievances among users is the complexity of registration processes offered by event registration and ticketing software services. Competitors often burden users with convoluted forms, excessive steps, and confusing interfaces, resulting in frustration and abandonment.


How to do it better: Simplify the registration process by minimizing form fields, optimizing user flows, and providing clear instructions at each step. Implement a single-page registration interface with intuitive design elements and autofill capabilities to streamline the user experience.

Offer guest checkout options and social media login integration to expedite the registration process further. By prioritizing simplicity and efficiency, you can differentiate your service and enhance user satisfaction.


Limited ticket customization options


What competitors get wrong: Another common complaint voiced by users is the lack of ticket customization options offered by event registration and ticketing software services. Competitors often provide rigid ticket templates with limited customization capabilities, restricting organizers’ ability to tailor tickets to their event branding and requirements.


How to do it better: Empower organizers with extensive ticket customization tools, allowing them to create personalized ticket designs, pricing tiers, and promotional codes. Offer customizable ticket fields to capture additional attendee information or preferences.

Provide branding options such as custom logos, colors, and themes to align tickets with event branding. Implement dynamic ticketing features such as tiered pricing, early bird discounts, and VIP packages to cater to diverse audience segments.

By offering unparalleled ticket customization options, you can surpass competitors and meet the unique needs of organizers.


Inadequate payment processing features


What competitors get wrong: Efficient payment processing is critical for facilitating smooth transactions and minimizing friction in the ticket purchasing process. However, some competitors fall short in providing robust payment processing features, leading to issues such as payment failures, limited payment options, and delayed settlements.


How to do it better: Partner with trusted payment gateway providers to offer a wide range of payment options, including credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and bank transfers. Implement secure payment encryption protocols and fraud detection mechanisms to safeguard user transactions and data.

Offer seamless checkout experiences with one-click payment options and saved payment methods. Provide real-time payment tracking and reconciliation tools to help organizers manage finances effectively.

By prioritizing seamless payment processing, you can enhance user trust and satisfaction.


Poor mobile responsiveness


What competitors get wrong: With the proliferation of mobile devices, ensuring seamless mobile responsiveness is essential for event registration and ticketing software services.

However, some competitors neglect to optimize their platforms for mobile devices, resulting in subpar user experiences and decreased conversion rates on mobile platforms.


How to do it better: Prioritize mobile responsiveness by adopting a mobile-first design approach and optimizing user interfaces for various screen sizes and devices. Implement responsive design principles such as fluid layouts, touch-friendly controls, and optimized media assets to ensure a seamless experience across all devices.

Conduct rigorous testing across different mobile platforms and browsers to identify and address any usability issues. By delivering a seamless mobile experience, you can capture a larger audience and maximize ticket sales.


Insufficient customer support


What competitors get wrong: Effective customer support is crucial for addressing user inquiries, resolving issues promptly, and fostering trust and loyalty. However, some competitors fall short in providing adequate customer support, leading to frustrations such as slow response times, unhelpful support representatives, and lack of support channels.


How to do it better: Establish a dedicated support team trained to provide prompt and personalized assistance to users via multiple channels, including live chat, email, and phone support. Implement a robust knowledge base and self-service resources to empower users to troubleshoot common issues independently.

Offer proactive support through automated notifications, reminders, and follow-ups to ensure users receive timely assistance throughout their event journey. By prioritizing customer support, you can build strong relationships with users and differentiate your service from competitors.




The journey to success in the event registration and ticketing software services industry is fraught with challenges and opportunities. By learning from the mistakes of competitors and adopting proactive strategies, owners can navigate past common pitfalls and elevate their services to new heights of excellence.

Through relentless dedication to simplicity, customization, payment processing, mobile responsiveness, and customer support, you can carve a distinct niche in the market and emerge as a leader in the realm of event registration and ticketing software services.


Is this what you expect to see at the end of the article? No!

Ah, behold the thrilling adventure through the labyrinth of event registration and ticketing software services! How utterly exhilarating!

Get ready to strap yourselves in for a wild ride filled with challenges and opportunities, because who doesn’t love a good panic attack, am I right?

Learning from the mistakes of competitors? Oh, absolutely!

Because why bother being original when you can just photocopy the failures of others? Innovation? Nah, we’ll leave that to the amateurs.

And let’s not forget those proactive strategies. Because who needs spontaneity when you can meticulously plan every move like a neurotic chess grandmaster?

Fun? Ha!


Elevating your services to new heights of excellence sounds positively riveting! I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend their days tiptoeing around common pitfalls, all while trying not to trip and fall face-first into a pile of mediocrity?

Relentless dedication to simplicity, customization, payment processing, mobile responsiveness, and customer support? Ah, yes, the holy grail of buzzwords.

Because clearly, success hinges on your ability to throw together a mishmash of features and call it “innovative.”

And carving a distinct niche in the market? Oh, what a thrilling challenge!

Because nothing says “breakthrough success” like elbowing your way into an overcrowded industry with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.

So go ahead, my brave adventurer, plunge headfirst into the bottomless pit of the event registration and ticketing software services industry.

Who knows, maybe you’ll emerge as a leader, or maybe you’ll just end up curled up in the fetal position, rocking back and forth and muttering about user interfaces. Either way, it’s sure to be an ahem unforgettable experience!




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Have a great day!

Autor: Julia Monterey
Julia is an expert in Internet marketing with over 10 years of experience. She specializes in attracting clients and increasing sales for small and medium-sized businesses. Her work spans the markets of Europe, Asia, and North America. Julia's extensive background makes her a valuable asset for companies seeking to expand their online presence and boost revenue.
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